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时序数据库,全称时间序列数据库(Time Series Database,TSDB),用于存储大量基于时间的数据,时序数据(Time Series Data)指的是一系列基于时间的数据,例如CPU利用率,北京的房价变化趋势,某一地区的温度变化等。





InfluxDB是时序数据库中应用比较广泛的一种,在DB-Engines TSDB rank中位居首位,可见InfluxDB在互联网的受欢迎程度是非常高的。下图是截止到2021年8月时序数据库的排名情况。

它是go语言开发的数据库,InfluxDB自发布至今,已经有两个版本,InfluxDB1.x系列提供一种类似SQL的查询语言InfluxQL,用于数据交互。2019年1月新推出的influxDB2.0 alpha版本,主推全新的查询语言Flux,支持TICK架构。在 2020 年底推出InfluxDB 2.0 正式版本,该版本又分为InfluxDB Cloud 和 InfluxDB OSS两个系列。




TICK架构 是 InfluxData 平台的组件的集合首字母缩写,该集合包括Telegraf、InfluxDB、Chronograf和 Kapacitor。TICK架构以及各组件分工情况如图所示:




● 数据写入:

①. 高并发高吞吐,可持续的数据写入。

②. 写多读少,时序数据95%以上都是写操作,例如在监控系统数据的时候,监控数据特别多,但是通常只会关注几个关键指标。

③. 数据实时写入,不支持数据更新,但是可以人为更新修改。

● 数据分析与查询:

①. 数据查询是按照时间段读取,例如1小时,1分钟,给出具体时间范围。

②. 最近的数据读取率高,越旧的数据读取率越低。

③. 多种精度查询和多种维度分析。

● 数据存储:

①. 存储数据规模大的数据,监控数据的数据大多数情况下都是TB或者PB级。

②. 数据存放具有时效性,InfluxDB提供了保存策略,可以认为是数据的保质期,超过周期范围,就可以认为数据失效,需要回收。节约存储成本,清理低价值的数据。



InfluxDB的存储结构树是时间结构合并树(Time-Structured Merge Tree,TSM),它是由日志结构化合并树(Log-Structured Merge Tree,LSM),根据实际需求变化而来的。

**①. LSM树 **

LSM树包含叁部分:Memtable,Immutable和SSTable。MemTable是内存中的数据结构,用于保存最近产生的数据,并按照Key有序地组织数据。内存并不是可靠存储,若断电就会丢失数据,因此通常会使用预写式日志(Write-ahead logging,WAL)的方式来保证数据的可靠性。

②. TSM存储引擎

TSM存储引擎主要包括四部分:Cache,WAL,TSM File,Compactor。下图中shard与TSM引擎主要部分放在一起,但其实shard在是TSM存储引擎之上的一个概念。在 InfluxDB 中按照数据产生的时间范围,会创建不同的shard分组,每个 shard 都有本身的 cache、wal、tsm file 以及 compactor。

InfluxDB 2.0应用实践



1. 安装influxdb2.0

wget https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb2-2.0.7-amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i influxdb2-2.0.7-amd64.deb

③. 启动influxdb服务

sudo service influxdb start

④. 关闭influxdb服务

sudo service influxdb stop sudo service influxdb status

⑥. 卸载influxdb

sudo dbkg –r influxdb2

2. 安装telegraf

wget https://dl.influxdata.com/telegraf/releases/telegraf_1.19.0~rc1-1_amd64.deb

②. 安装telegraf

sudo dpkg -i telegraf_1.19.0~rc1-1_amd64.deb

③. 启动telegraf

systemctl start telegraf systemctl status telegraf


1. Telegraf+InfluxDB2.x系统可视化监控

Influxdb2.0 已经集成了图形界面,简单的可视化监控可以无需使用 Grafana,本文例子暂时没有使用Grafana。

①. 访问influxdb2

首先在终端键入启动influxdb服务的指令,然后在虚拟机的火狐浏览器地址栏输入 http://localhost:8086 1,点击回车键进入influxDB浏览器访问首页。首次登录会设置用户名,密码,点击sign in完成登录。

②. 创建bucket,存储数据

依次点击 Data → Bucket → Create Bucket,在弹框中输入bucket名字,然后点击创建,完成bucket的创建,此处创建了一个name为demo_bucket的 bucket。

③. 创建一个telegraf收集数据

依次点击Data → Telegraf → Create Configuration → continue。在Bucket选择刚才创建的 “demo_bucket“ ,监控目标选择系统System,然后点击continue。

点击 continue 之后,可以知道要系统数据包括哪些,Telegraf Configuration name需要填充,此处填写为system_data,然后点击create and verity,完成这一操作。

④. 使用Telegraf搜集数据

点击 create and verity 之后,并不能马上实现数据搜集,需要在当前页面获取API Token和Telegraf的启动指令,依次复制,并在终端执行指令。

⑤. 系统数据可视化呈现与保存


点击Save会保存刚才的图,在选择target dashboard,可以选择已经存在的system ,这里将可视化图命名为usage_system_graph。

2. Jmeter+InfluxDB2.0搭建性能监控环境


在InfluxDB中选择 Data → Tokens, 点击 Generate → Read/Write Token ,完成token创建。

通过双击jmeter.bat进入Jmeter工作界面,创建一个线程组(Thread Group),在线程组中点选Loop Count Infinite,然后依次添加Java请求(Java Request),查看结果树(View Results Tree),汇总报告(Summary Report),后端监听器(BackendListener)。主要是在后端监听器填写相关参数,influxdbUrl要修改host,填写创建的组织org和bucket,influxdbToken就是上面创建的Jmeter_Token复制进去。若可以在influxdb中看到Java请求的数据结果,说明Jmeter与InfluxDB连接成功。

3. Flux在python3中的查询应用

Flux查询语言是InfluxDB2.0主推的查询语言,提供FluxTable,CSV,DataFrame和Raw Data四种查询API,但是在时间和日期上,较InfluxQL相对局限,仅支持RFC3339格式,默认值是当天零点。

下图中红色框图则是曲线图的Flux查询语句,from表示数据源所在的bucket,|>表示管道连接符,range表示所查询数据所在的时间范围,其中 v.timeRangeStart 和 v.timeRangeStop 代表时间区间下拉框选中的时间段,filter是对range范围内的数据进行过滤,filter中的参数fn,是基于列和属性过滤数据逻辑的匿名函数,yield只在同一个Flux中出现多查询的时候才会出现,yield函数将过滤后的表作为Flux查询结果输出。

①. Flux语言实现系统数据的查询


import pandas as pd from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient # 设置 my_token = "PePwz1xFzM_edpm6NB0DyR2B04XWqDNQEFPmp9i8hxVW8DmlTTSzywrTyh_p5uv_k1h0Qdxy3U99J2S7TV9X7A==" client = InfluxDBClient(url='', token=my_token, org='org_demo') query_api = client.query_api() # Flux查询语句 mem_query = ''' from(bucket: "demo_bucket") |> range(start: -5w, stop: now()) |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "mem") |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "available") |> filter(fn: (r) => r["host"] == "ubuntu") |> yield(name: "mean") ''' table = query_api.query_data_frame(mem_query, "org_demo") # 提取查询结果的部分字段值 mem_example = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=['_start', '_value', '_field', 'host']) print(mem_example.head(5)) client.close()

②. Flux语言实现数据插入

from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient, Point, Dialect from influxdb_client.client.write_api import SYNCHRONOUS my_token="ENL3dUfGzTBFGcHzJ8iCIfbKF0fF7C7-P5PDkGpDWLzvvHuP2v9tKVgeZAFqV3y8sLXJt8alK0e-jicHVDgOEg==" client = InfluxDBClient(url='', token=my_token, org='org_demo') write_api = client.write_api(write_options=SYNCHRONOUS) """ 数据准备 """ _point1 = Point("_measurement").tag("location", "Beijing").field("temperature", 36.0) _point2 = Point("_measurement").tag("location", "Shanghai").field("temperature", 32.0) write_api.write(bucket="python_bucket", record=[_point1, _point2])






Just to encourage anyone struggling with the first book maybe thinking "alright I guess this is cool but why is it hyped so much?". I get it. The first book is odd, but ultimately fine. The last 50 pages are super cool but there's a huge slog in the middle, at least for me.
The second and third however, are maybe the best sci-fi I've ever read. The ideas are incredible and so interesting. One of those books where after finishing I just sat in my chair for half an hour and continued to think about it, doing nothing.
Also each time they introduced an idea and I thought "hm ok but what about X?" thinking I'd found a plothole, usually a page or two later he would write "As for X,..." it's crazy good.
Also, not spoiling anything I think, but just to whet your appetite, the proposed solution to the Fermi paradox is....I mean. It makes sense and is laid out so simply. I'll leave it at that.
Bite the bullet, read the trilogy if you like sci-fi.

此外,每次他们拿出一个点子时,我都会想:“呃,好吧,但是 X 呢?”我还以为我发现了一个情节漏洞,通常一两页之后,他就会写道:“至于 X,......”这简直太棒了。还有,我不是想剧透什么,只是为了吊起你的胃口,费米悖论的解决方桉是... 我认为这很有道理,而且简单明了。我就不多说了。如果你喜欢科幻小说,就咬咬牙读完叁部曲吧。


jotomatoes -> Background_Space3668
Ahh thank you, seems like for various reasons gettting through book one is a bit of a challange but it sounds like the pay off is worth the journey.
I personally love science fiction genere, especially ones that tackle big idea themes. And since several people have mentioned and recommened this series to me, I might just power through the first part and see how I'm feeling about The Dark Forest.


jaydfox -> Background_Space3668
3 body was cool but the 2nd book The Dark Forest is the best one.
I've read and re-read the fist book, and I've read and partially re-read the second book. Once I finish re-reading the second book, I plan to read the third (already bought a copy). I'm having a hard time picturing where the series goes from here, but that comment is quite the recommendation, lol!

我已经读完并重读了第一部,第二部我也读完并部分重读了。重读完第二部,我打算读第叁部(已经买了一本)。 我很难想象这个系列以后会怎么发展,但这个评论很有说服力,哈哈!

It is the single most grindingly depressing and bleak book I have ever read.


davtruss -> thepotplant
During the pandemic, I read several dozen books of different series about the Roman Legions, and scouts, and reconnaissance, and such, and one thing that jumped out at me in connection with the 3 body trilogy is that you can't build a fire for warmth, or hot food, or light, if somebody who sees the fire is determined to do you harm.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

SimbaOnSteroids -> davtruss
The bleak part is that it makes a lot of sense for our universe to operate under the same principle, as it’s essentially just extending how terrestrial ecosystems work to the universe at large.


SimbaOnSteroids -> SimbaOnSteroids
My favorite solution to the Fermi Paradox is that there is no paradox.
Because otherwise Dark Forest or some other filter is ahead of us.

否则,"黑暗森林 "或其他过滤器就会出现在我们面前。

ptownBlazers -> thepotplant
So bleak. Love it but bleak


Rrraou -> thepotplant
It is the single most grindingly depressing and bleak book I have ever read.
And I loved it.


The Dark Forest is honestly THE best book I’ve ever read


ComfyPillowThief -> Billofrights_boris
I don't know if those books are "the best books" for me, I tend to agree with people saying those book are build around ideas and not around good storytelling. But those ideas...all those ideas are making the books instant science fiction classics for me. I can't imagine those books not becoming reference material for sci-fi literature and movies for many years to come. You could create many universes full of rich and interesting lore build around those ideas and concepts.

我不知道叁体对我来说是否是“最好的书”,我倾向于同意人们所说的叁体是围绕着点子建立的,而不是围绕着好的故事。但是这些点子... 所有这些点子让叁体立刻成为我的科幻经典。我可以想象叁体在未来的许多年里会成为科幻文学和电影的参考资料。你可以围绕这些点子和概念创造许多充满丰富而有趣的知识的宇宙。

QueensOfTheBronzeAge -> ComfyPillowThief
My main problem with The Three Body Problem is that the characters felt less like people and more like arbitrary tools to drive the plot forward.
A prime example is when the main character, Wang, is meeting with Ding Yi, the husband of a recently deceased character, Yang Dong. Ding asks if the Wang can just randomly visit his mother-in-law to check on her, because she is probably upset with the death of her daughter. Then the main character just does it, no questions asked, resulting in the plot moving forward.
Does the rest of the trilogy get better about this? Because stuff like that really took me out of it. The plot is so cool, but the characters just don’t feel like people.


roof_pizza -> QueensOfTheBronzeAge
Yeah, this is quite the opposite of what it sounds like you enjoy. The scientific concepts are center stage, and the characters are just vehicles to connect the plot to the science. (They're GREAT books and I loved them despite this, but if you can't put aside the fact that the characters are literally paper cut-outs, you might not enjoy)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The strategy-philosophy of Dark Forest was so absolutely unique


grgext -> elfin_makenzie
Changed my perspective on the universe for sure, probably in my list for top 10 books of all time.
I try to get my friends to read it, but with the caveat they need to read the first book for it to make sense.


jaydfox -> elfin_makenzie
After about the first third of the book, the story got seriously depressing. Like, existential dread and betrayal depressing.
I absolutely loved the book.

大约读了前叁分之一,故事就变得非常压抑。 比如,生存的恐惧和背叛的压抑。

Drop_Release -> jaydfox
Jesus christ yes - was absolutely blown away by Three Body Problem, and then the rest of the trilogy was even wilder
I must say Dark Forrest and Three Body Problem really made me rethink how I view quite a few scifi tropes and the wishful work of the SETI program
